Just before easter a black bird was nesting in our garden, when we came back after easter there was no sign of the bird whatsoever. About six weeks later mrwarpig said that there were four eggs in the nest but as the bird had not been back he removed them. Yesterday there was a blackbird over at the nest and when mrwarpig went out the bird went beserk, chirping away but did not fly away.
So my question(s) is - whas he right to remove the eggs, is it possible that it was the same blackbird or can birds nest twice in one year?
The blackbird in my garden had 2 broods this year and I was round the pet shop getting some mealworms for them and the owner said her blackbird was on its 4th brood.
So you should have left the eggs for a few weeks just to make sure.
Webbo, the bird was there for about 2 weeks before easter then we were gone for 10 days and there was no sign of it when we came back or for the next six weeks until the eggs were removed so i assume that the eggs were dead by then.
if the birds werent around for 6 weeks then its safe to say the eggs would have died, but buy removing them hopefully then may have another clutch as predetors take eggs and the parents simply breed again and have another clutch of eggs.
a blackbird can only count to 3 - eg: if a nest had 5 eggs in it and u removed 2 at any time during the sitting, the hen bird would not 4sake it.
they sit for 13 nts b4 they hatch - once the hen lays her 4th egg she will begin 2 inqubate the clutch, once she starts to sit tight if she is disturbed and leaves the nest and the eggs go cold they will die.
It's not unknown for blackbirds to build several nests, and for the female to lay eggs in more than one of them. But the adults will only sit on the eggs and rear young from one particular nest. The rest go to waste. Nevertheless, the blackbird would have been annoyed at Mr Warpig for encroaching on their territory.