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barclays again

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gontofe | 22:09 Tue 23rd Jul 2002 | Adverts
3 Answers
I have searched for the barclays music from the advice given on this side, and it's not the same as the samuel L jackson ad...


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Sorry, not knowing what the question is makes it hard to come up with an answer! What exactly are you looking for...?
Question Author I am looking for the exact music. I can't remember whether the music is the same on all 4 adverts, but I was marked particularly by the music at the end of the centaur ad... Clearer? ;)
Question Author
ok, have done my own research, and have come out with 'Buenos Aries Hora Cero' by Astor Piazzola. Not that version, tho'...

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barclays again

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