Light Brigade Horse in The AnswerBank: History
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Light Brigade Horse

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Beaufort | 02:27 Tue 10th Jul 2007 | History
7 Answers
"Light Brigade" horse buried in Cahir Co Tipperary Ireland
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Possibly Ronald, lord cardigan's Horse
One of the few surviving horses of the CoLB was Sir Briggs, charger of Lord Tredegar, but Sir Briggs was buried in Wales, in Tredegars garden.
Octavius, as I understand it, about 360 horses died in the charge. That leaves 300 or so surviving, since 670 men were involved. (Only 118 of the men died; it wasn't the disaster everyone thinks.)
Well it depends which account you believe jno. I do hope you are not basing your evidence on that of Lord Cardigan?!

Of the (currently agreed) 673 men and nags who trundled into the Valley of Death, around 500 of the horses were captured, killed or destroyed. Given the recorded events of the number of horses that were heaved overboard on the outward journey because of disease etc, then the number of gee-gee�s returning would be far fewer than would be believed, assuming they were not sold off, sent to another battle or just eaten out of desperation. It is merely speculation, but I wouldn�t believe anything that old �Cardy says.
I wasn't counting those that tried to swim home etc, Octavius, so I stand corrected. As I understand it, it was the toll of trained horses, rather than of men, that was calamitous for the army. Men are easy to replace.
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Answer is Crimea Bob - from friend in Cahir. Thanks for help
Good way to solve Sunday Tribune crossword!

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