firstly talk to the charge nurse. ask about staffing levels, i know weekends are always difficult for care establishments to get shifts covered. not an excuse.
ask what the daily routine is for residents
an activities coordinator should be employed to ensure the residents are involved in some sort of social
physical, intulectual, (sorry cant spell) cultural, emotional, and spiritual activity / stimulation. every one has these needs. it goes across the board regardless of age ability or disability
if you are not happy after speaking to the charge nurse or if you feel your relative is not in receipt of the care she is entitled , the care commision would be interested to hear your points. (in scotland) don't know what the english equivelant is.
risk assesments should be in place, regarding each individuals ability again according to age, disability ask to see your great aunts care plan, it should detail every aspect of her care and attention.
the risk assesment should tell you what risks your great aunt is at and stratigies should be in place, eg, a rail at the bedside so she cannot fall out of bed. a touch sensitive mat
that alerts staff if stood on if she has stepped out of bed.
stand up and be counted, it makes my blood boil when people are treated less, at least you g aunt has you and your family. good luck.xxxxxxxx