Two mushroom circles have taken hold on the grass lawn with 2 metre diameters. Even if the grass is cut the mushrooms come back within a day or two. How can these be removed for good?
Fairy Rings, can sometimes be difficult to remove and it seems yours are very persistant and I'd quite old for the area they cover.
Sometimes the only answere is to remove the turf and a good few inches of soil and dispose of it, put some fresh top soil in and re-turf it.
Or you could try chemical control by disolving 2 oz of Epsome Salts in a galon of water and apply with a watering can, if that dont seem to work try 1/2 oz Sulphat of Iron and mix in a galon of water and apply in the same way, each application should cover about one squar yard or metre. Best of luck. Tbird+
Until just a few days ago, I would have agreed with Thunderbird, especially since he always knows what he talking about. However, in a discussion under the title of "fairy rings" on this site that I can't locate right now, a subscriber described a product called Armillatox that comes well recommended. I find it hasn't been approved for use here in the U.S. except for testing, but it's basically a soap based product that one injects into the ground... you might give it a try...
These mushrooms are very strange. We have a large ring our front lawn which seems to appear every other year. I wonder if it has something to do with the damp climate we are having? They don't really bother me but I guess they could be a potential hazard if you have children.