I would call it Charlie - I've had a stuffed one since I was little and that's his name!
I would have a bonobo (though not strictly a monkey) coz they are very intelligent
A xXx
ps My mum did have a monkey living in her attic when she was young - her cousin brought it home from sea (long story) but it gave everyone scabies so they had to get rid of it!!
chimps really creep me out. I think it was watching them tearing apart another monkey on the trials of life as a kid adn all that wearing clothes stuff and drinking tea *Shudder*
When i lived in malaysia i had a black face vervet
her name was susie i will allways remmember her
that was in 1960 and was not looked down apon having such a pet
I dint know you could keep monkeys as pets, but if you can then i feel thats kind of cruel. But as for names i would have to say.... 'Marcel' or maybe 'Lemar'