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"Charley's Dead"

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Hammond Egg | 21:01 Wed 18th Jul 2007 | Phrases & Sayings
4 Answers
Does anyone have any idea what the origin of this is? It means 'your underskirt is showing".


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It goes back to the reign of Charles 1st. When he was beheaded his loyal female subjects would lift their gowns slightly to show their lace petticoats as a sign of respect and to spread the word that their king was dead. Men of that period wore lace as well.
Nice one, Feena!

It means the underskirt is hanging low, like a flag flown at half mast after someone dies.
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Thanks both. That sounds very plausible.
You're welcome Hammond. I learnt that in school wayyyyy back in the late 50's. Just call me Methusalah:-))

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"Charley's Dead"

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