Childs Nursery in The AnswerBank: Law
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Childs Nursery

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curryleaf29 | 11:34 Mon 16th Jul 2007 | Law
3 Answers
My child is coming ot the end of her time at her private nursery after 3 years beofe she strta school. The cost is quite high - however her final date is 17th August yet the nurery insists on charging me for the entire month even though she will not return for the following term! Can the nursery do this?
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i wouldn't pay for a full month if my child was finishing 14 days before the month ended
It depends upon the contract you have signed with the nursery. Do you still have a copy? Check for a termination/notice period section which should tell you whether it is a straightforward notice period from date of notification, or whether the end date has to be at the end of the month.
l would not pay to the end of the month as my child would not be there.
Lets face it they would not pay an employee 14 days wages if they where not there!
Again i would double check any contracts first

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