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Exhaust pipe

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gaijin | 06:38 Tue 24th Apr 2007 | Other Vehicles
6 Answers
Does changing the size of the exhaust pipe of a car or motorcycle so that it has a loud sound affect the fuel consumption ?
what is a muffler?


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1, Yes

2. A silencer.
Abnormally loud exhaust systems reduce the efficiency of the engine and increase fuel consumption . A Porsche 911 doesn't have a loud exhaust system but produces a fair whack of power from its engine.
Hi Teddio,

Why do F1 cars have the loudest exhausts on the planet, to reduce the efficiency of the engine?

All silencers reduce the power of all engines.
A muffler is United States speak for "silencer".

F1 cars (and any racing car not subject to noise restrictions) have straight through exhausts, in order to get exhaust gases away and out of the engine as soon as possible, thus making the engine more efficent. Fuel consumption isn't a requirement!!! Power is.
a performance exhaust does not use more fuel, thats down to the driver`s right foot getting heavy because they like the noise.
fitting a larger diameter exhaust alters the valve timing on the engine by reducing the designed back pressure on the system-therefore in theory the vehicle could actually run worse with a loud system and use more fuel-ideally set the car up on a dynamometer-but that's expensive!

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Exhaust pipe

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