I have just got back from a festival where there were a number of stupid women moaning that they didn't want to see me taking a pee outside. I was at the side of the campsite, not facing the public and the toilets were very close to over flowing. Am I right in thinking I was totally in the right and the women in the site were totally wrong? I mean I know it was a family festival but peeing is a fact of nature and I would have thought that sh1t filled toilets overflowing on account of women forcing the guys to go insde to pee would have made them a whole lot more dangerous to the kids than the sight of some guys back while he takes a pee in a reasonably sought out spot. What do you think?
I had to go to one of the toilets as I had a bit of stage fright after she made an example of me. Fortunately I got to have the moral high ground as it was at least another 4 hours before the cleaning vehicle came round so it could well have overflowed when they were waiting on it and I managed to find urinals at the other end of the site so I was fine! A bit of common sense wouldnt have gone a miss though!
when at the festivals it can be really foul by the end of the weekend when all the lads have ****** up the side of the campsite... the bog of sinking water can be vile
It can be Iggy but still fairly easy to avoid if it's a good field with adequate drainage. Besides which, it's good for the ground, lots of vital nutriants in pee you see, that's why farmers spread muck on their fields and why people wear wellies at fezzies!