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Bluebell | 14:21 Sat 21st Jul 2007 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
On yesterday's programme, Jilly Goolden was recommending a particular Spanish red wine, obtainable from Morrison's. I didn't catch the name. Can anyone help please? Many thanks.


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Didnt watch it but you could try cooks they might be able to help!!!
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Thank you puddicat. I have just tried the site, but sadly, the one area it doesn't cover is Gilly Goolden's wine suggestions. I shall have to go to Morrison's and see what Spanish reds they have that I might recognise..
I also asked the same question and eventually found out it is Terramar Crianza '03 �3.99, Morrisons. Hope you enjoy it.
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Thank you so much bathrugby. I had a horrible thought that I would wander aimlessly in the store looking for a wine I didn't have a clue what it was called!! I shall be going into town tomorrow, and in the evening, will raise a glass to you for getting back to me. I'm very grateful. Cheers!

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