Oh that is a pity - you might get a good deal on the house you are in.
IF he goes bankrupt you could get it at a fire sale price.
are you sure you cant buy it?
You see, with a mortgage and nowhere to sell, there is no chain and this almost counts as a cash sale.
And everyone knows what you do to cash - grab it as soon as possible, so you knnow he might be inclined to sell at a discount.
DEFINITELY worth a punt. And if he says, oh butit is worth XYZ and I am gonna wait [wh he can't if he is facing the creditors] then you have a good idea why he is going backrupt.
It is difficult to complete on a contract in less than six weeks once he has found a buyer
(auctions are different.....are you sure you cant buy this house ? you really will get the best deal poss)
as you say - is anyone able to give me advice on my rights ....you dont need rights in a fire sale baby, get out there and buy !