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Spy vs Spy

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bbrown88 | 20:14 Mon 20th Sep 2004 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
To enter a secure door, two numbers are displayed and the person trying to gain access must enter a third number. The first two numbers relate to the 3rd number. A spy watching saw when 1 and 2 were displayed, 9 was entered. When 3 and 4 were displayed, 20 was entered. And when 5 and 6 were displayed, 12 was entered. The spy goes up to the door and finds 17 and 12 displayed. What number must he enter to gain access?


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why 54?
this is how i came up with 54: in each case, the number of LETTERS in the first two numbers is multiplied to give the third number. i.e., 1 and 2, when spelled out ('ONE and TWO') contain 3 letters each. 3 times 3 is 9. in the same way, 'THREE' has 5 letters and 'FOUR' has 4 letters - 5 times 4 is 20. again, 'FIVE' (4 letters), 'SIX' (3 letters) - 4 times 3 is 12. finally, 'SEVENTEEN' has 9 letters and 'TWELVE' has 6, so 9 times 6 makes 54.

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