laughing stock in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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laughing stock

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Indiana | 15:29 Thu 23rd Sep 2004 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
Is it fair on your partner to make them do silly dances (not sexual) just for your entertainment?
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If it' just for your own entertainment then it's great fun. If you gather around them with a bunch of drunken laughing girl friends and make them get up on a table then it is a bit mean. Unless they enjoy it, then it's GREAT FUN!
yeah course it is - just do it
Yes, it is a perk of the relationship.
I don't think it's fair on your partner to "make" them do anything, no matter what it is. If there is something you both enjoy, and are both comfortable with, then go for it. If one of you in not comfortable with doing what you ask, then you need to respect them enough not to insist.
As long as you're not shooting the ground between their feet and 'Woo Hooing' like you've just won the Marlboro quiz, it's probably harmless.
I think it's fair. Besides, it's difficult to make a stranger do a silly dance for you and rarely as satisfying.

Dance for me, do it!

See, you're not doing it - mostly because we are not in a relationship.
my boyfriend is always doing stupid dances and poses for me it gets me hysterical... usually in some state of undress... and trust me you would never guess for looking at him normally! as long as you're both happy with it and there's enough trust in the relationship it's just a big laugh.
When I'm doing a 'normal' dance, in a nightclub or something, my wife seems to find it highly amusing !!

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