Caution is advised though... male bumblebees are fairly rare since it is the workers that usually are... well, working as in gathering nectar and pollenizing... the usual bee things. Bumblebees do seem more reluctant to sting, but, unlike honeybees their stingers are not barbed and, hence, thay can sting more than once. Anyone allergic to bee sting should certainly avoid them...
By the way <>I>Word Detective says this about origns:
"...The "bumble" in "bumblebee," the "humble" in "humblebee," and the "dumble" in "dumbledore" are all echoic in origin, meaning that the words themselves are supposed to imitate the sound of a loud hum. ("Bumble" meaning "to flub" or "blunder" is an entirely different word.) The "dore" in "dumbledore" comes from the Old English "dora," which meant an insect that flies and makes a loud humming sound." Very similar to jno's astute observation...