can any computer whizzkids help me with this one? Started an online study course a few days ago and logging on with my user name and password is fine but can' t view any of the course work. Javascript is indicating an error on page in the explorer bar (bottom left of page). I can access it on my beat up old work pc but not on my brand new home pc! The tech help line have given me several suggestions but none have worked. Thanks for any help.
Hi,thanks. Yeah java is enabled in security - custom level etc. Tried to test my virtual machine on the java website and couldn't view their Dancing Duke! So something is up....
Do you know what version of Internet Explorer you're running? If its 5.x you'll need to reinstall that. But if you're running ie 6.x there is a patch that you can install called msjavx86.exe.
A quick search on google for this file, theres one at
Thanks Neathy, tried patch and a 'downloading coursework'applet appeared but then just sat there, no download. I'm running Internet Explorer 6 which I reinstalled last night.