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Channelle coming back in?

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CathH | 10:21 Wed 08th Aug 2007 | Reality TV
13 Answers
Today's Daily Star reports that BB are going to put Channelle back in the house to stir things up!
What does everyone think? u=2133


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It never works. the housemates know that they know who's popular, whos not etc. And they know it too and become bigheaded. Look at Nicky last year. I'd say its hearsay. Why cant they leave it as it was in the 1st BB, 12 in, 12 out.
I agree too!!
I don`t think it should be allowed anyway....not if you`ve walked,nicky was evicted first wasn`t she?
When you say �stir it up� surely you mean �churn everyone�s stomach�?
Couldnt stand the miserable old cow when she was in there but now she had a taste of the outside world and cheered up a little I wouldnt mind her going back in.

As long as she told Ziggy where to go and made this series a bit more exciting.
yes as long as she didn't have the chance to win, that would be unfair seeing as it was her idea to walk out
I think now she has got everything into perspective she probably sees that actually she was popular and could have maybe won. She messed up her chance by letting a stupid man spoil her time in the house. She deserves a send-off like everyone. However, I don't see how they can let her back in, now that she knows the public's opinions etc. I say - she made her bed- let her lie in it. It was her choice to leave.
Well, by popular I mean, a KEY character in the house. I still think she will have a bigger career out of it than any of the others.
Considering that this is The Daily Star, should we take it seriously?
remember when they put jon tickle back in? he said he would stir things up big time, after watching the footage.
Guess what? He didn't. Yawn.
But Chanelles more interesting than Jon Tickle, isnt she???....................................................

Ok maybe not!!

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Channelle coming back in?

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