Not my fort�, but we don't get a lot of the soaps. Some shows are seasons behind (and some shows we don't get at all, though we do tend to get most of the "big" shows, like the 2 you mentioned), but recently the gap has been much smaller, as Teak36 says.
In the UK, shows tend to run in one "block", so if a show has 24 eps, then it will run over 24 consecutive weeks (though the "main" five channels - particularly BBC2 - will take breaks for sport etc). In America the scheduling is much less rigid, and as we are not generally allowed to "get ahead" of the US the shows tend to start later in the year.
It depends on your willpower and the manners of those around you as to how hard it is to avoid looking up what's happening on the internet. One forum that I visit tends to have 4 (or more) threads for each show: US paced and UK paced, with each pace having "spoilers allowed" and "spoilers not allowed" . (Though there can be heated discussion on whether the trailers for next week's ep count as "spoilers"!)