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Double up quiz.

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marycroft | 13:17 Sun 12th Aug 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
I am not getting on very well with this quiz,can some-one give me some help please.I have lots to do but these I have given up on.
16. A pet example could be a cog dollar-or a bat casket.(10)
19. Served up at for instance Harrow and,we are told, Eton,(6 7)
59. Uncle's Scottish wife,a donkey & backward painter gives protection.(12)


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59 antimacassar
16 Spoonerism
Question Author
Thank you very much GetOverIt,I could'nt believe you had answered so quickly,Thanks
19 School Dinners ? Eton = eaten
I'm not doing this quiz, so I'm not sure what the " double up " bit represents, but those first two seem to fit.

Question Author
Many thanks GetOverit,sorry I did'nt explain more fully,'every word includes 1 or more double letters'.An explanation was'nt necessary it seems,it's amazing you are better than I am and I have the quiz in front of me.You are a star.
You're very welcome. Good luck with the rest of the quiz !
Question Author
Hello GetOverIt,I have another one for you.
38. Adjectives artfully arranged across and advert for example.(12)
Sorry, this one is stumping me - ARRANGED could suggest an anagram but combinations of




etc etc aren't giving me anything !

You could re-post so that other people see the question.
Got it ! Alliteration - words all beginning with the same letter.
Well got GetOverIt!
Cheers Geo0939 !
Question Author
You have been a great help GetOverIt,Thank you very much,No doubt I will be posting some more in the future .

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