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White legs

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BUNNY | 16:53 Sun 26th Sep 2004 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
Why does it take longer for your legs to tan than the rest of your body?


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cos they tend to be in the shade more I guess ...... even when walking they are going to be shaded by your upper body fo the most part. I sunbathe with my legs up in the air ... upside down basically rofl ... and that does make them tan quicker. Failing that, go with the most skin-friendly method and use fake tan.
Plus they are covered more often than the top half!! Short sleeves, skimpy tops etc help the top, but we're always in jeans, leggings, skirts..unless you go to the high street, supermarket etc in a bikini or similar..and for some of us 'not a pretty sight'!!
its basically because it is the largest area of the body to tan and the skin tends to be more thicker on the legs due to what use they are put too, take you stomach for instance, it goes brown really quick because it is thin, soft and subtle and not exposed as often as legs etc

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