clarks advert song in The AnswerBank: Adverts
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clarks advert song

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cairney | 01:59 Sat 03rd Aug 2002 | Adverts
4 Answers
does anyone know who does(or the name of) the song from the clarks shoe advert. It sounds like the ramones in french?
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I havent seen the advert but from your description it could only be ca plain pour moi by plastic bertrand.
domestiques is quite right it is ca plain pour moi by plastic bertrand. FYI : The song featured in National Lampoons European Vacation
I think the song was ' Electricity' by Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
i too am wondering about the music from the clarks advert but not the french one....it's the other one with the boy dancing wearing headphones. is that OMD?

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