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What can I do with 6 pints of separated milk?

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Solarjunkie | 13:17 Sat 18th Aug 2007 | Food & Drink
10 Answers
An unopened bottle of semi-skimmed milk is now part way to being cottage cheese. I just can't make that many scones, so any (sensible!) suggestions as to what use I can make of it?
The dog is still finishing up the other bottle......!


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If you boil and strain it you can make hot milky drinks, coffee,ovaltine,cocoa etc. with it.
Ugh!! Chuck it!
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Kleiber, where do you think cheese comes from?
It's a stage in a process, not "ugh!"!!
But thanks for looking, anyway.
Yes, I know, but under controlled conditions, not (as I may have wrongly assumed) being just left. Sorry if i got the wrong drift, Solarjunkie!
oh god just throw it out!
I'm intrigued! I guess in ye olden days things wouldn't be that controlled. Can it really be used do you think?
have you thought of buying a smaller bottle or getting another dog .
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shazzzz, you really made me laugh.
I was given both bottles,as it happens. Usually if there's some elderly milk I make a batch of scones & the dog gets the rest.
6 pints of curds & whey is a lot!
So yes, I could just chuck it or give it gradually to the dog but I was hoping there was some sort of cottage cheese pastry or some family recipe from the olden times that I could use. I thought AB had ideas for everything!
Have you thought of making junket? - which was what we always did with milk that was about to 'turn' in my youth. Lots of recipes can be found on Google, though of course all these old fashioned recipes use full cream milk, and none of that UHT or homogenised stuff. You need to make sure that it hasn't been overheated (ie sterilised) as that will have killed off the enzymes that make it set. I also don't know where you'd buy rennet nowadays!
my dad would leave it on the window sill untill it had curdeled , and then would drink it he said it was great to settle your stomack ,it used to make me fell quite sick watching him , he had some funny ways i thought epsom salts was lemonade for years , and always drunk cherryade ,because lemonade always gave me the squits ,thats the irish for ya .

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What can I do with 6 pints of separated milk?

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