Hi all, Have just been doing some homework reading all your advice and handy hints this is a great idea and hopefully i'll be returning soon with good news. Me and my hubbie have only been trying for 3 months but I want to be pregnant now. I've been on the pill for almost 10 years so I know it may take a while! Any tips on falling pregnant would be warmly welcomed!! Thanks
remember to take folic acid and also try vitamin b6. I was also on the pill for 10 years and fell pregnant just about 4 months later. Relax, enjoy cause when you get a little bundle it all goes out the window !
After you have made love put your legs up high and tilt your bum and dont get up for a while, this may sound crazy but honestly it worked for me, it saves as much of the you know what. Not that this is a definate way to get pregnant but it can help.
Best way, is take it easy. don't get too stressed about it if it doesn't happen straight away, different people take different lengths of time for it to happen.
I was on the pill for almost 9 years and as soon as i didn't take it it happened (of course mine wasn't planned at all but that just meant i wasn't getting worked up about it all)
Look after yourself, and take folic acid and all the other vitamins they advise.