kittens and collars in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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kittens and collars

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freak_unique | 09:56 Mon 27th Aug 2007 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
Hey, maybe a similar question from one previous. I want to put a collar on my 13 week old kitten, just so that in the event it did get out as they seem very interested in the garden at the moment, people would know he isnt a stray. Thing is everytime i try one with him he goes completely wild trying to bite it, any ideas on introducing a kitten to a collar or do you just leave them to it?It is an elastic one and i have taken the bells off it as that was irritating him more. In the end after about 5mins i start to worry about him being distressed and take it off him. thanks in advance
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I personally don't like collars on cats, I used to work as a vet tech and some of the injuries caused by cat collars were horrendous!, they need to be fairly loose and cats often get a foot inside the collar and if the leg doesn't break the leg can get stuck right up to the 'armpit' and if the cat doesn't get freed by a human the collar then can proceed to cut into the skin, if you have had your kitten micro chipped it shouldn't need to wear a collar as well, and a kitten this young rarely ventures fair away from home.
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Cheers for that :) I didnt realise they had injuries to such extent from them! I am getting him chipped in the next few weeks. He hasnt been outside at all yet I am waiting until he has been chipped and neutered first. I guess the only reason i really wanted a collar on him is incase he did get out as they are at that stage of running for the door, people would know he isnt a stray,id just be worried about someone else thinking aw whata cute kitten and taking him in!
You can get collars that have elastic on or that come apart when pulled (so if a cat got stuck on something and yanked his head, it would open).

As for kittens not likeing collars, my cat is 4 now and hates them. He's fine wearing it, no problem but if I take it off for any reason, it takes me half an hour to pin him down to get it back on!

Unfortunately he has to wear it as I have a magnetic cat flap and the magent to open it hands from his collar!

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