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Is it illigal to

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Dr Red | 17:03 Thu 30th Aug 2007 | Technology
13 Answers
reverse engineer a piece of software that has been copyrighted by the maker?
Even though a 3yr old could do it?
If yes i'm in trouble.


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Uh oh, you�re in trouble.
Depends on the licence of usage. It should state in there about reverse engineering. If not, fill your boots.
it is illegal Im afraid
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Well it was bloody easy as it was only base 64.
Nothing in the licence about reverse engineering but read an article about somebody who did the same and got in trouble.
But beware if Intellectual Property... if you are just reusing their code, they could get you like that. ie, if it's plain text code like in an ASP or PHP site, then just nicking that code would be illegal. You would need to rewrite the code yourself.
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Oh and i have also created files compatable with the software, is that illigal or is it legal if i market the compatable files under a different name and state in the readme i am not related to the software company.
Base64 decoding isn't illegal. Probably using anything therein for profit will have implications.
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I see.
But i have also reverse engineered one of their products, edited it, re-encrypted it and now plan to market it for profit as a compatable file for that piece of software.
I don't think the softwares patented, so i should be ok.
You do not have to say anything , but it may harm you're defence , if you do not mention , when questioned , something which you later rely on in court .
Do you understand ?
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Its not fair.
Are you Crossroads in mufti?
What i fail to understand is how a competent computer wizard, lift engineer, professional cameraman, natural history documentary maker and qualified hypnotist knows sod all about legal issues to do with copywrite/identity theft and delusional behavior. The mind boggles really.

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