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Kitten rubbing face against mine

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freak_unique | 22:04 Sat 01st Sep 2007 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers
Hey i was just wondering if a few things my kitten does are for affection and if not what they mean. Basically he will sit on my lap purring away while i am fussing him, then he will look up at me and climb up my chest and sniff my face and start rubbing his face against my cheek and neck and nudging me and lying round my neck purring all the time. He does this all the time and touches my face gently with his paws but he doesnt use his claws when he does it. Any ideas what any of this means? Cheers in advance :)


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He loves you! Cats are complex creatures (wolf - you'll agree!) and they show their affection in many ways. They're also very independent, but they appreciate a good home and a caring human. You're so lucky to have a moggy who obviously adores you. He sees you as the leader of the "pride" and looks up to you. K xx
As much as we'd like to think they do, cats are just not capable of showing purposeful affection. All the actions you described are a cat putting its scent all over you so that you will allow it to remain and protect it. A cat would just not take the liberty of jumping on your shoulder to have a kip without appeasing you so that you don't chuck it off. It is all selfish action solely for its comfort, not yours.

Dogs are the only domestic animal able to exhibit unqualified loyalty and affection and most would protect you to the death. No, I'm not having a go at the cats, it is just the way they are.

Wildwood, I'd challenge you on this one! You're obviously a dog person. I have dogs as well and they're great, but remember what Winston Churchill said (at least, I think it was him!) : Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you and pigs treat you as equals. I've had all 3 and can agree with that! You can treat a dog badly and it will still come back to you, but treat a cat badly and it's off! Cats live with us because they want to, not because they have to - they're quite capable of looking after themselves - that's what I like about them.
And yes, a dog would give its life for its master or mistress (I've known two that have) - don't get me wrong, I'm not decrying dogs - I adore mine - but cats are just so independent, that's what makes them special. Where are all the other cat people out there to back me up???
I agree completely with Kleiber..I have had both cats and dogs in my life,and there personal reactions to me are definetely different..but,ultimately very loving. Our half feral cat,wee man,is 11,and for many of his years with us,he tolerated our physical presence.In the last couple of years though,he has felt comfortable enough,to actively dunt his head into us to be stroked,and is even calling to us and jumping into the seat beside us,and climbing onto our laps. He trusts us..simply that. Any relationship in life,is built on trust..humans,cats or dogs.
Lindapinda, you're so right. It'sall about trust. You can keep any animal as a "pet", but when they trust you they're not just "pets", but part of the family. When an animal becomes that, you've truly got a special relationship - you're not it's "master or mistress", you're it's companion, as it it yours.
what wilwood said is right,partly.

Cats have glands in their cheeks which leave their scent on you, but they do this cause they love you, they want everyone to know that you are theirs !

Rabbits have the same glands in their cheeks, mine used to have a strange attraction to our broom and would always rub his cheeks up and down it !!
I don't think that we will ever really understand our animals because we only see them from a human point of view.

Dogs are loving to us because they see us as top dog and they want to keep in with us.

Cats are loving because they want something from us.

But both those descriptions are oversimplifications of the very complex relationship that we have with our pets.

Cats rub against us to rub their scent into us from their cheeks - they are claiming us as part of their world.

I have had dogs and now have cats - they are different in so many ways. But they are superior to the two people currently having a drunken fight outside of my window at half past one in the morning. I am not even sure that they are speaking English! Frankie, the tom cat, is sitting on his window ledge watching them and is right to think that he is superior to some humans.
Hiya, Wolf. I wondered if you'd come in on this one. How are Frankie & Merlin? My lot are waiting for me to go to bed, although they haven't left me much room! Jake, the collie is at my feet and Elsa has gone to sleep at the top of the stairs. I expect I'll get the purring and wrapping round the neck treatment in a while, when I decide to hit the sack!
Have to agree with kleiber have both dogs and cats love them to bits but I get alot of affection from two of my three cats infact Rooney will kiss me and like freak will touch my face with his paws his brother Mickey will put his nose on my cheek and loves to lay in my arms on his back.I think cats love or hate you and will leave home without hesitation if they are not happy with their servants Lol.
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Cheers for all your answers guys :)
Garner - My kitten seems a lot like your cats mickey and rooney, my kitten loves being held like a baby in my arms on his back aswell! I guess we will never know what they are thinking but we can hope they are being affectionate :)
I agree with Kleiber 100%. I've had cats all my life, and the 2 Ragdolls I have at the moment are the most affectionate trusting cats. What it comes down to it, if I treat them with respect they treat me the same way. They feel comfortable enough with us to sleep on (and in) the bed, snuggle up to us, and show all other kinds of affection including washing us !! I feel proud that my cats have let us into their lives so much, and are so trusting and happy with us.

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