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For naomi24 re Rainbow charity quiz

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chakka35 | 16:20 Mon 03rd Sep 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
I'm thoroughly enjoying this one, aren't you? I'm amazed at the number of words for money that I've never heard of before, some of which are weird. This is going to be fun.


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fun!!! ummm yes!!
no comment (at this stage)
glad somebody is enjoying it .can't quite get the gist of it yet .
Can you tell me when this quiz closes, and where to get it if there is still time. thanks in advance.
Loads of time left. (about 10 weeks) Guarantee you'll enjoy this one. Get it at :
nearly half-way.
Just worked out why the answer to 89 is what it is (sneaky).
Down to the last 12 but now absolutely stuck !!
greenfingers you are doing really well just to be stuck on the last twelve ,i am stuck and i haven't done much more than that well done anyway.
Question Author
I'm not quite sure why this one is such fun. I have been doing these quizzes since No 3 (this is No 30) and have found some of them intriguing, edifying, fascinating and maddening. There is such a variety in this one with the weird answer to 48, the hilarious 67, the sneaky 89 (as Goofy says), the surprising 71 and the slightly obscure but perfectly fair 20.
I really had no idea there were so many different names for sixpence. Enjoying it very much.
It nags away in the back of your brain and you find yourself getting up in the middle of the night to look up something you've just thought of because you can't wait till morning!!
as if I need another(!) reason to get up in the middle of the night LOL
Hello Chakka, sorry for the delay - I didn't look on Q&P yesterday so just as well you posted your message for me in S&C. Thanks for that.

Yes I am enjoying it - as always - although I wonder if you, like me, found many of the answers fairly easily initially? Please note, I did say 'initially' - things are slowing down somewhat now!
I think this is my 6th Rainbow quiz.
I find the first 20 answers are easy (ish). Then they get worse - and worse and worse and ........
Now about half-way through. I'm pretending that I'm not going to use chakka35's last post as hints - BUT

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For naomi24 re Rainbow charity quiz

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