I ran out of guinea pig food and gave him muesli, which he liked better than his own food. Can I feed him this instead? Also how much green stuff or hay are you supposed to give them a day? Thank you
Please do not give muesli, they need a balanced diet which caters for their need that is only giving them sugar..Hay every day and plenty of dandilions,clover,grass celery and their own food which contains vitamins ect mine also like a little apple,carrot and broccoli do not give lettuce as this will give them the runs! Hope this helps.
Guinea pigs are extremely sensitive to dietry vitamin C levels due to their inability to synthesise it. They therefore need raw fruit and veg to maintain health. Carrots, apples spinach, cabbage and celery are all good choices. Don't give them bulbs they tend to be toxic to them and I would advise going back to the store bought stuff as they are notorious for poor response to diet change.
Thanx for all your answers, it was just a one off. As the guinea pig was my daughter's (who has left home)who has now donated it to my son, I'm on a steep learning curve.
Also you can give rabbits guinea pig food, but you must not give guinea pigs rabbit food, as said above they need extra vitamin c which the green stuffs give them and it is added to guinea pig food.