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Are you hot?!

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Scarlett | 21:51 Sat 08th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
I can't understand the weather. My house is room temperature until 4pm then this rooms gets the sun and is like a sauna. You can't even see the PC screen. From then on, it is boiling. It's nearly 10pm and I am SO hot. Is it just me?


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No its not you scarlett as I feel it as well even though I have just come back last night from 8 days in the spanish sun. I am sitting here with just a pair of shorts and still feel a little hot
Hi Scarlett , my front lounge is like that too . My comp desk is near the window and in the afternoon when the sun shines in it's a great shame to have to shut the curtains but I can't see the screen otherwise , plus it's right in my eyes if I sit on the sofa too. :-) Oh , and yes it heats the room up , but I don't mind as I feel the cold easily and like it warmer.
as Im in Scotland its not that hot, had the heating on for an hour to dry off the washing that didnt quite dry outside today
ive been cold most of the day no sun here much

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