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bibster | 14:30 Tue 11th Sep 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
had a nice surprise today i won first prize in a local quiz
so thanks to everyone who helped me solve the answers.


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Congratulations Bibster - hopefully the first of many! ☺ja
Congratulations Bibster!

Have you finished the Cinnamon Quiz yet?
Question Author
yes i have finished the cinnamon trust and sent it off out of the way.
What did you put for the John Travolta/Bruce Willis/Adam Sandler/Demi Moore question?

And the county coats of arms one?
Question Author
the coat of arms one i had dukes i honestly cant remember what i put for john travolta at the minute but when i remember i will put it on for you.but if you put the question up somebody will give you the answer i'm sure.
Thanks! I really ought to get it finished ...
You deserve this bibster. You have given many of us a lot of help recently. Which quiz was it, did it appear on AB ? xx

AllyLally ... you are not alone with the Cinnamon one
I thought I was the last to finish !!! xx
Absolutely thrilled for you - well done
well done bibster - hopefully the start of a run of good luck!
well done, hope you won lots of money or nice things.
P.S. I was diane1706 but for some reason answer bank are refusing to accept this so I've changed
Congratulations bibster,well done and keep it up.
It's great to win something - Congratulations!
Well done, hope more to follow!

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