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An old advert a boy is dead but we don't find out till the end?

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brilloboy | 19:00 Tue 18th Sep 2007 | Adverts
3 Answers
Can anyone tell me the reason for the advert, that was show years ago, where a teenager is walking through his house and then goes to his friends house, and they all seem to be in sorrow, only we aren't told why, it just makes it look like they're too sad to acknowledge him, then right at the end he gets hit by a car and says "Agh, I hate it when that happens" or such like.
Can anyone tell me why? Was it for an ad campaign for Think! or whatnot?
Thanks in advance :)


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...Or go to media centre here,hope this helps. owdown/previous.htm
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That's exactly it, thank you!

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An old advert a boy is dead but we don't find out till the end?

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