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malpal | 18:39 Tue 18th Sep 2007 | TV
10 Answers
I know this will seem very rude of me but does Daphne and CJ get on anybody elses nerves they way they get on mine with their face pulling!? If I was a member of the challenging team I would be seriously hacked off with the way they indicate a wrong or right answer. I could rant for Britain about this pair but that would be sad.


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I know what you mean malpal,especially CJ,i could slap him.
daphne is ok but cj and chris get on my nerves, so much so that i dont watch anymore!
CJ just hacks me off by being there, so, like gina32, I too have given up watching.
I LOVE CJ!!! I think he is soooo fit!!! Yeah he a bit of a big head but so would i be if i knew all he knows!!!
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I definitely think that Daphne is the worst with all her arm cheering and "yessssing" . I think that when this +�60k has been won, I'll stop watching it too.
taliesin, you are joking, he is so full of himself and as for being fit, i dont think he is that clever really, the vast majority of the times he is the one who is out at the end, and always makes excuses for not knowing the answer.
It makes me laugh when CJ does his head nodding or shaking indicating a right or wrong answer, then he's proved wrong. He looks all surprised, I reckon he would really wind me up if I ever met him. Daphne lives in my town.
Best part of the show is if CJ loses a head to head. He is so up himself, it's unreal. Always nice to see someone like that get knocked back a bit.
just watched the end of todays programme and wouldnt i just love to give a cj and chris a slap like you say cj is so up himself.
CJ looks like a golly.

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