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marking criteria for uni

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pingu97 | 22:10 Mon 17th Sep 2007 | Jobs & Education
2 Answers
hi i just got my results of an essay back from my 1st year at uni and i can't find my marking criteria so i think i got a first but not sure, does anyone know the criteria or if it is different throughout all uni's & degrees? thanks


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Criteria can and do vary within universities and within departments.
Go back to your tutor and
1) ask for a copy of the mark sheet - he/she will have this
2) ask for feedback on your essay and an explanation of the marking
3) remember 'criteria' is the plural of 'criterion'.
to get a first, you usually have to get a mark of 70% or higher. this is standard to most UK universities. As annemollie states, your tutor should be able to give you a breakdown of the results, but I doubt you will be able to see the actual mark sheets as most unis don't make these available to students.

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