I had 2 children divorced, married someone else then lost 2, 1 at 16 weeks. Am finally pregnant (7 months). I thought it was never going to happen and that the whole world was against me. It does happen just be patient. If you have any more losses ask the doctor to start investigating as to why you keep losing them. I'm 36 so your never too old. x
Hi my partner and I had been trying for 6yrs 1 ectopic pregnancy happened 2yrs ago started going thru all the tests at hospital nothing wrong in me or him and now ive just found out im 7 weeks gone ....try not to think too much about it go on holls or start to do something to take ya mind off it ...i started playing rugby again ...only managed 6 training sessions and found out so now cant play but im over the moon
Good luck XX Tan