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Stomach Cramps!

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confused79 | 09:37 Mon 01st Oct 2007 | Health & Fitness
35 Answers
I was awoken last night with very severe pains in my stomach, i was coping with it to start with but it got worse, i got up and walked around and it didnt seem t do any thing, without being too rude, i didnt need the toilet and didnt feel sick, but the pain became so bad i ws in tears, i took 2 nurofens and after about half an hour the pain eased off.
But then at 4:30am this moring it woke me up againa nd came back with avengence, again i took more pain killers, i can only describe it like mild to moderate labour contractions but are constantly there, ive never had pain like it. I could also feel this pain in my back, my stomach now is very tender and its gradually coming back.
Does any one know what it could be or has anyone had this before?


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ha ha what the i wish that would work but it hasn;t as i have manage to pass wind ! its still there and hurts so much
Poor you confused,will you let us know what the doctor says when you have seen him/her,i'm actually quite concerned now even though I don't actually know I hope you get it sorted out soon.
I'll have to remember that daffy. The reason I mentioned appendix was because I very similar symptons when I had a grumbling appendix. I was in agony and barely able to walk without holding my stomach and huddling over. But my pain was mainly on the lower right hand side but spread towards the centre.
It could be a range of things:it could be an ovarian inflamation, possibly (not not likely) a kidney infection, and then there are the other more serious issues. Again, I would encourage you to immediately see your GP. If the pain cannot be arrested with acid blockers, you may be scheduled for an endoscopy, where a small tube would be inserted through your mouth, into your stomach, where the doctor can examine your stomach. It's fast and painless, although it can initially be a bit bothersome. Please, however, no one here can triage based upon such limited information and the absence of a history. Please do contact your GP today for an appointment.

I wish you well

Fr Bill
Question Author
thanks daffy i get concerned over people on here too i know what you mean but thank you.

I have lots of stress so maybe that has something to do with it, ill let you know.
The more you add to this equation the more it sounds like either gastroenteritis or possibly a duodenal inflammation or ulcer. Same advice applies- pick up the phone and call now!

Be well

Fr Bill
In this instance I would say call the NHS direct and have a chat with them, and you can still take the information or leave it.

It could be your appendix but as I have said already I have had alot of stomach trouble, at times I have thought 'appendix' but the fact I get it quite often and it goes away it cannot be that. The pain level however suggests it is, I am bend over double, stuck where ever I am, say in the office I cannot leave my desk and go outside I can't move.

It can't harm anyone having a chat with NHS direct, people ring them up about a cold or something. So give it ago see what they say.
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Morning everyone,
Been docotrs and he tested my water works, there was blood in my urine, so its a bladder infection, he has put me on anti bicotics, if the pain is still there after 5 days i have to go back,

I still have really bad nausea though, cant work out how feeling so sick has to do with urine infection.
Delighted you have gone! Do feel better. Cranberry juice is a must...or if you're holistic, try rose hips as well. As it is said: This too shall pass :-)

Fr Bill
Hope you feel better soon!
Question Author
thank you what.the? still feel tender and very sick,
I'm glad you are getting treatment now :-) You should start to feel much better soon.
Bladder infections can make you quite ill,when my middle child was 10 months old she ended up in hospital because of one,the wierdest thing was we only took her to A&E because she wouldn't put any weight on one of her legs and we thought she had broken it on the bars of her cot.She had referred pain from her bladder and kidneys and spent 4 days on a hospital ward on intravenous antibiotics.
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ah bless her daffy i can tell you it was the worst stomach pain i have had, well next to being in labour obviously! lol
how u feeling now??

"i can tell you it was the worst stomach pain i have had, well next to being in labour obviously! lol "

I've never given birth but remember all the births on tv where the womens screaming, swearing and shouting at her husband to never come near them again! lol

what..the? - now distances herself from her boyfriend! - oh and the thought of bladder infection lol
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lol. i was pretty good in my labours, 3 times in fact, i will say i was at my worst on my first one i scremed but dont think i swore, and i bruised my mums and boyfriends hands where i sqeezed him so hard and i threw him over the bed..... i just did not know my own strength!! lol

My other two i was pretty reserve and breathed through a lot of it and try self meditation, which i think realyl works, and i didnt screm.

But i was crying the other night with this stomach pain lol wimp i am. lol :-)

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