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school parking

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wendilla | 09:50 Fri 28th Sep 2007 | Law
16 Answers
I have a permit from school so that I can park in the council car park free from 8.45 to 9.15am and 2.45 to 3 15 pm to pick my grandson up .Yesterday because I had hurt my back I found a space near gates and I was ok on my side of road to park but the other side had single yellow line. I watched the traffic warden and he completely ignored the cars parked there. He did ask one to move from the yellow zig zag line at gates in fact I think he got a ticket but I didnt think it was legal to park on the single yellow line.Is that right?


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Single yellow lines mean there is a restriction against parking at certain times which should be stated on a plate.

Outside of those times it is legal to park. Without knowing the times on the plate, it is impossible to say whether the drivers were legally parked or not.

Also, if the cars were displaying disabled badges, they can legally park on yellow lines at any time. (Provided they are not parked dangerously)
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Thanks Ethel .there is no sign to say any times and I know they were not disabled parking cars as I looked as I walked up but my next day for picking up my g/son is monday so I will def check again and I will ask the traffic warden and post back what he says.It is just a side street with private houses and yellow lines one side ..half way up the street
so you cant park at anytime on yellow lines if youre disabled
Wendilla - if there is no time plate visible within the vicinity of the single yellow lines, they cannot be enforced, unless it is in a Controlled Parking Zone - where there are huge signs as you drive in.

In that case the times of the controlled parking zone apply.

gina, your link says:

Disabled Person�s Badge holders MAY;

park on single or double yellow lines

outside controlled hours without time limit

during controlled hours for up to 3 hours with Badge and clock displayed

to me that means you CAN
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Thanks Ethel I will bear your answer in mind when I next see that warden Thanks
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But may I add I will not be parking on the yellow line lol
but during controlled hours for up to 3 hours which means not over three hours
yes, but how is that the same as
"so you cant park at anytime on yellow lines if youre disabled "

you can park on double and single yellow lines, for up to three hours with a disabled badge (unless of course you would be causing an obstruction)
That is a big bugbear with me. I know people have many disabilities that make walking very difficult, or carrying parcels for that matter, and many disabilities are 'invisible'.

But to mind if a person can park up and walk round the shops for three hours (as many disabled people do) then why can't they walk from the car park instead of blocking the road by parking on yellow lines?

It makes sense to allow them to park on double yellow lines if it is near to the place they need to get to - outside a particular shop or bank, perhaps - but I do feel they are taking the mick when they park on double yellow lines then walk miles wandering round the markets for a few hours.

i agree ethel. I am a disabled badge holder myself, but it makes me cringe when i see people causing an obtsruction. I have used the "clock" part of my badge once, when i parked on some double yellow lines outside the dry cleaners, cause i couldn't carry 2 duvets very far, but i wasn't causing an obstruction. It annoys me that disabled people dont have to pay in most carparks too - why is that?
does disabled mean poor?
bednobs - the very point of paying was discussed recently on a Radio 2 show.

I can't understand it either - the fact that the disabled bays are in more convenient locations should be enough. We disabled drivers should pay parking fees the same as everyone else.
I live in Great Yarmouth and they recently introduced this (having to pay in car parks if you are disabled) - there has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth (and of course the obligatory front page news story in the local paper)

In our town, as soon as they introduced parking fees for disabled badge holders, everyone started leaving the allocated bays empty and parking on the double yellows on the streets. In many cases they cause obstructions, such as parking too close to junctions or opposite bollards making it difficult to pass or (my real bug-bear) on the yellow lines at the very end of the white zigzags approaching a zebra crossing - makes the crossing extremely difficult to see on approach and actually forces drivers to be in an overtaking position as they reach the crossing.

Grrrrrr! Gives people with blue badges a bad name which most do not deserve. (And our parking fees aren't even that high, 70p an hour in most car parks!)

Rant over, have a good weekend!!
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Just in case you have come back to check here yes there is a sign saying no parking 8 till 5 and traffic warden made a woman move that had left it to the last minute to pick her child up she tried to soft soap the warden but she had to strap the other child back in car and move .

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