Budgie who can't fly in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Budgie who can't fly

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Phil999 | 20:08 Fri 08th Oct 2004 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
I have a budgie in an outdoor aviary, a few months ago now, it lost it's flight feathers and haven't shown any sign of growing back. Is there anything I can do to help them grow back? Thank you for your help
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I don't have a suggestion for you. However, I have had a budgie with this problem and was told that it could be a condition called French Moult, which I am sure you can find on Google. He was a caged budgie and it didn't prove much of a problem. However, he didn't live for very long.
How To Get New Feathers On Your Budgie In 10 E-Z Steps: 1) Open window. 2) Shove bald budgie out open window. 3) Close window. 4) Go to pet store. 5) Buy a budgie with feathers on it. 6) Go home. 7) Put new budgie in cage. 8) Ignore feeble tappings at the window from the bald budgie as the north winds blow in. 9) Sit down in chair. 10) Regard new feathered budgie with satisfaction.
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sounds like french moult, unfortunately it can't be cured as it is due to irrepairable damage to the feather shaft, we had a budgie with it at the bird zoo i worked at, she was healthy apart from being unable to fly, we made her a little ladder so she could get to the food and water and she was fine, and we were careful not to cause her unneccessary stress as she wasnt hand tame

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