Not much to go on! However, fuschias are quite tolerant plants although there are some delicate varieties. Take cuttings with a sharp knife/scissors. They will root readily in water. When I grew fuschias, to be on the safe side I would take cuttings at the end of summerand grow them as house plants, in case the outdoor oned failed.
Hi Cathi,
I agree with Upforit that you haven't given us much info here. There are many different varieties of fuschia and you don't say which ones you are talking about. I'm also guessing that you want to bring them in for the winter. If so, take a look here. html
Thanks so much for the info. I was especially interested in wintering them. Was not aware that fushias would need a different environment in the winter. Maybe because I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. The weather isn't very severe here but my fushias are looking very bedraggled. Now I know why. Thanks again. Cathi