Does any one watch CSI?At the end of a series I can remember Sarah being under a car in the desert.What number series was this please?Does it follow on after the one now on,where they have started the miniature murders,or have I missed the first episodes when Sarah was found,as she is alive in present series.Hope some one knows what I mean and can help me.Thanks a lot.
Current episodes are repeats. Sara is left under the car at the end of season 7 , the same season that included the minituare killer story line. We eagerly await season 8 to see if she survives
Season 8 Starts in america on the 27th of this month, and i believe is due to return to here in december (could be wrong). I am waiting at the edge of my seat, as to if she survives, all websites, start that they don't know if she has renewed her contract. - plus no one in LV has ever died whereas, in New York and Miami a memeber of the team has died. - They like to run in trends.
Aiden who was obsessed with a killer rapist, she planted evidence (or something ) and was sacked. Later on he killed her and she framed him at the same time. What a girl!