IT sh**ts have blocked hotmail in an office where I freelance; any ideas how to get around it, as all the obvious foreign msn sites are also blocked too along with most of the other sites that might be of use.
Presumably the IT department have blocked access to prevent a security compromise on the network. So as I understand it, you are happy to take this company's money, but you want help in cheating their system so that you can conduct your private affairs using their network. Does that sum it up?
there just a few they should get round the IT filters, just put the URL in the box provided. I recommend you use one at a time, and when the filter one go on a different one. If they filter them all search for "proxy servers" in google or a different search engine if they filter that. hope this helps
What if they block any URL that has the word "proxy" in it too?
If you're using facilities at their expense and they have to fix any virus infections then I'd stick with what they're allowing you to access.
If hotmail's really that important to your work, then the IT boffins will surely have a workaround for you. The company's proxy server perhaps?
Browse the internet securely using TheRealProxy. You can unblock popular social networking sites such as MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, YouTube, Orkut, Friendster, Msn, Hotmail and many other sites.