One Significant figure means use only ONE number other than zero to best represent the given number.
So for 46313 you will either use 40000 or round up to 50000, depending on whether the number after the first digit is a 5 or above.
The next number is a 6, so round up to 50000.
So 0.00584 can be 0.005 or 0.006, because the next digit is 8 it is closer to 0.006.
30 569 can be 30000 or 40000,
the next digit to the 3 is a 0 (which is less than 5), so you select 30000.
You cannot use 31000 because that uses 2 numbers other than zero.
167.77 can be 100 or 200. Closer to 200, confirmed by the 6 next to the first digit.
Hope these examples help, can create some more if not.
Good luck. Hope my reply is not too late for her homework deadline.