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radio, cassette and cd player

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natterley | 12:26 Sat 13th Oct 2007 | Music
6 Answers
I am wanting to puy a stereo for my son for xmas but one that he can play cd's and tapes on and also listen to the radio. Do they stil do these? All I can seem to find are radio and cd, or tape and radio.
He is 6 so would like to get a'kiddy style' one, anyone know where I can get one or what they are called??

thank yoooooo



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I know places like Dixons stopped selling tape stereos about 5 years ago. i dont think ive seen tapes on sale for a few years either.
Oops - ignore me! (I had only cars in mind)
Argos do sell them, I just checked
Yes, I realised that which is why I said ignore me.

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radio, cassette and cd player

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