---- Part 2 ----
Monthly Pay - They are talking about changing our pay from weekly to monthly. Drivers have already had their pay situtation sorted out, and to convert to monthly pay they were given a little sweetner of up to �1,000 to help them through the first month and also to make them switch. With our pay deal we're not getting anything to help us along, we're being told we'll be switching to monthly and we'll have to cope by ourselves.
Pensions - This is a right fiasco. Royal Mail now want you to retire a little 'later' than most workers. They've said it's to 65 but it could be up to 70. Also they have a system where instead of working out your pension from your final salary they will now be working it out from your average salary. So people who have been working for Royal Mail for over 25+ years will be worse off. Simply because when they joined they were on something like �60 a week and now it's up to �300. Royal Mail will then take an average from all those years and make your pension with it, meaning you will lose thousands of pounds from this. And the great thing about it is top management will not be hit by this, instead they will get the normal process of your final salary.
And last but not least, the big one. Royal Mail want to cut 40,000 jobs from all of it's network. This means from postmen, to drivers, to people who work in the Post Offices. Also also Royal Mail want to close down alot of Post Offices from smaller towns and merge them into W.H.Smiths stores (I think Mr Leighton must have some shares in WH Smiths.)
Well there's a few of the strings that are attached. Hopefully now you'll know that it's not just the 'pay deal' we're walking out on. I know I probably wouldn't have seen idiotic comments from Spaced if they knew the facts.