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Its just not the same without....

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b13thy | 17:12 Mon 15th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
Marge (and all his incarnations), Georgit79, nedflanders, dakota, lore, redbel, forgetfultel, rubyrose (are you here rubes? - shall we have a movie line game?) sg etc etc etc

I see champers, boo, whiffey, neti...

I've missed you all like Heather misses her leg!



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Nice to see you....why are you banned dot??

What have I been up to, 2 years is a lot of time to cover LOL. Well, I moved job (same company, just a different bit), I finally got my arse out of my rented flat and bought a place of my own again. I got rid of Jaffa and splashed out on a sporty little number (which my dad moans about being impractacle!), I started Open University and have just finished my first year studying Business Management and Commercial Law and last but not least.......I'm going to be an Auntie!!

How about you?
if these people have special abilities.....i will take their abilities
I am not banned really, just trying not to use my own name! I havn't progressed much actually, apart from a great new store and lots more business. Been on hols a few times, pretty much as dull as ever really : (
she is... hey Im Dot take bags of no notice of them

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Its just not the same without....

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