Hi Peppermint, pleased to help, as I'd hate to see another parent went through what we did.
As you've mentioned you have other men in the family with dyslexia, why not have a chat with them, and perhaps they could reassure your son that just because he has a learning difficulty he's not stupid, retarded etc (the bullying angle at school) and may be they could tell him how they coped, managed.
Unfortunalely it is still a problem largely played down in the teaching world, particularly at Junior school. When my son was in Juniors, I was told that teacher training only covered dyslexia for about 1day!!! SEN was a specialist area that was an option for 'further study', similar to training as a nurse, then specialising in midwifery...!!
I have found this site about famous dyslexics;
http://www.dyslexia.f9.co.uk/dyslexia/famous_dyslexics-0.htm l
It might encourage your son further.
I wish at times like this we could exchange email addresses, as it would be great to keep in touch to see how you are all getting on, but AB has spoken!!
Wishing you all the best.
Take care