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Twitter Test for BOO

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derekpara | 10:46 Thu 18th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Woke up this mornin'. Now that's always a good sign. Showered, shaved ready for inspection etc. After some consideration decided on Weetabix (2& half) for breccy.

How's that for a Twitter Test, lovely BOO ?


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So if you have 2 1/2 weetabix what do you do with the other half...doesn't it go stale??
Question Author
No, mate. Heard of Tupperware ? In it goes then comes out tomorrow with another two whole ones. The rhythm of life is so simple.

New to this section and I've never come across so many twitterers ! By the way. what's the collective noun for you lot - a Chav of Chatterers ? A Chuff ?
Just popped in to say hello to you derekpara , hi there ,nice to see you . I am sure BOO will be along to you soon :-) x
Question Author
Hiya, bigmamma. You sound very interesting ! Ooh, sorry, BOO. xx

I usually confine myself to the motoring section, but have been known to enjoy the odd twitter or two elsewhere. Nice to be here for a bit - if you know what I mean.
Well nice to meet , you've certainly come to the right section for an odd twitter 's often a bit odd , but fun :-) x

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