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If I hear on TV again

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Doc_Spock | 14:59 Fri 19th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
17 Answers

I will top myself.
If you were a boat I would sail youIf you were a piece of wood I would nail you.

If you were a DUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it total sh1te or what.


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I would quack, silly question.
This is old hat Doc. There was a very lengthy post about this very subject earlier ths week.
and the songs about 2 years old, how are you hearing it so much?
Very silly old hat too.
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Keeping you up mrs o.

It was on TV 10 mins ago.
turn it over
There are 9 million bicycles in japan
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theres a hole in my bucket
9 million after I leave (soon, soon I promise)
just had to listen to it on youtube there cause i had never heard it before. sh1te is the right word for it lol
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I hate all her songs..especially the bicycles in bejing, even worse when one of then rehashed for a dfs advert arghhhhh
i have met her many years ago, she was educated over here in norn iron which maybe explains everything
I wud bone her..shes very pretty....unfortunately I dont think she likes willys anymore from what I hear.
Kate Melua goes into the bank where my sister works.

The other day she took out a few grand and passed it over to her dad.

I am currently teaching Little Pippa some rhyming ditties in order for her to do me the same favour in a few years.
A man after my own heart Doc - I can't stand her. She's probably a very nice person and all that but she cannot sing!

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If I hear on TV again

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