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hardy49 | 14:19 Sun 21st Oct 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
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7dn Book of David's devotional songs (7)


30ac Rubella,another name for German measles (7)



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15 ac ross is Arboreal with an "e" not an "i"

Rubella is also known as Rubivirus - the virus fits but not the rubi bit
30a Roseola
Sorry, was looking at the wrong sequence. Rubeola is the alternative name for rubella
Actually, slaney's Roseola is the correct word to fit in with the other lettters but it is not as close to rubella as rubeola
Roseola is given in Chambers as ..rose coloured rash;
German measles.
my chambers only referred to a general rosy coloured rash associated with various infectious diseases including measles but did not mention german measles. But hey, no big deal so long as it is the right answer.
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