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Looking for two nephews.

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10ClarionSt | 23:58 Fri 19th Oct 2007 | Family & Relationships
9 Answers
Does anyone know a good, free website that gives details about lost friends or relatives? I need to find my wifes nephews, as they don't know their dad has died and the funeral is next Wednesday. Any help appreciated. Thanks.


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If the others dont come up with any thing, you could try The Salvation Army though they can take time! Hope that may help.
You could also try friendsreunited in case they are registered on there.
I've had some lovely help from the police, when there was a previous address available. In those instances, they went to the last known address and enquired with neighbours.

I wish you every success

Fr Bill
Hi TCL, sorry didn't read your later email. I don't know what success you have had, but if your brother-in-law has left a will with a solicitor, I would think the solicitor has the capabilities of locating them, if they are beneficiaries. If the nephews have not been in touch with their dad for a while, for whatever reason, as long as you make reasonable attempts to find them you will have done enough. Did your B in Law possibly have an address book with their details in? I agree that friends reunited is very good, but it is not an emergenct contact site. Good luck, it is difficult enough for your wife to have lost her brother, but if you are both worrying about finding these nephews too it makes things worse.
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Just thought, if you had the names of any of their spouses you could search for both names appearing at the same address, assuming they married and u know their names of course
If the nephews are teenagers or have teenage children you could try looking at Bebo or other sites like that. I know it's a long shot but i found my half brother through Bebo. Good luck.
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