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well its still here !!

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leg_end758 | 10:47 Mon 22nd Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
strange as it may seem the chatterbank hasnt gone .
well not yet.
the arguements werent as bad as everyone warned about .
the new faces and the old faces seemed to get on ok.
thankfully there are enough new faces to stop the usual dominance that you get on other sites from older users against the newbies.
so on the whole i think its been a success.
what do you think?


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Just looks like B & S under another name.

What's all the fuss about?
Agreed. It has been remarkably free of fighting, and there is surely no reason to pull it. Whether it has been a resounding success is another debate, but it certainly deserves to stay.
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exactly panic.

call me a cynic.
but i believe it was an exercise by the powers that be to get folk off b&s chatting.

and the reappearance of old usesr has raised the hits ion the site im sure .

was there a plan?
im pretty sure there was lol : _ )
it may still be here but AB is being turned off instead lol

see suggs!!!
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Hi you would have understood why chatterbank was taken off if you could have read some of the threads.Some people were just about ready to lynch one another and the threats that were made was bad .I can truthfully say I didn't join in but to read some of the topics was better than a serial..I have seen some of the past chatters on this time and up till now have been quite tame but mark my words give it time.

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well its still here !!

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